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榮仕杰 · 智為人先焊接機器人工作站一體化集成/設計/制造商
見智見未來          榮仕杰智能裝備經十年積淀再創輝煌
作者: 編輯: 來源: 發布日期: 2020.05.28
  • 點焊機器人

    點焊機器人(點焊機器人)一種對于自動點焊操作的工業機器人。世界上第一臺點焊機始于1965年。它是Unimation在美國推出的Unimate機器人。 1987年,中國研發了第一臺點焊機器人華宇I型點焊機器人。

  • 中文名

  • 點焊機器人

  • 外文名稱

  • (點焊機器人)

  • 對于

  • 自動焊接工業機器人

  • 組成

  • 機器人主體,計算機控制系統

  • 的角色

  • 點焊

  • 點焊機器人


    1. 1個優點

    2. 2用途

    3. 3技術特點

    4. 4相關信息

    5. 5發展趨勢






    點焊機器人使用最廣泛的領域應該屬于車身裝配車間。 (見右圖)





    (2)廣泛的應用領域工業機器人和自動化設備是生產過程中的關鍵設備,可對于制造,安裝,測試,物流等生產環節,并廣泛應對于整車,汽車零部件,工程機械等。 ,軌道交通低壓電器,電力,集成電路設備,軍工,煙草,金融,醫藥,冶金,印刷出版等許多行業都有廣泛的應用。


    (4)技術升級工業機器人和自動化設備具備精加工,精加工和靈活生產等技術特征。它們是新一代的生產工具,可擴展動力機器和計算機之后人們的身體和智力。數字化,自動化,聯網和智能化的重要手段。 [1]






    3.在機器人示教盒上選擇輸入/輸出接口,檢查是否重置了機器人的工作信號和工作完成信號,如果沒有重置,請進行重置;然后將機器人示教盒上的狀態選擇開關轉到自動位置。示教器上的程序指針將指向CELL主程序。 (如果示教盒上的程序指針未指向CELL主程序,則需要將機器人示教盒上的狀態選擇開關轉到手動文件,然后在R1文件夾Cell程序中將其選中(按Enter選擇)),然后將機器人示教盒上的狀態選擇開關切換到自動檔},機器人將切換到自動操作狀態。











    Spot welding robot
    Spot welding robot (spot welding robot) is an industrial robot for automatic spot welding operations. The world's first spot welding machine started in 1965. It is a Unimate robot launched by Unimation in the United States. In 1987, China developed the first spot welding robot Huayu I spot welding robot.

    Chinese name

    Spot welding robot

    Foreign name

    (Spot welding robot)


    Automatic welding industrial robot


    Robot main body, computer control system

    character of

    spot welding

    Spot welding robot

    table of Contents

    1 advantage

    2 uses

    3 Technical characteristics

    4 related information

    5 Development Trend



    The spot welding robot is composed of a robot body, a computer control system, a teaching box and a spot welding welding system. In order to adapt to the requirements of flexible movement, welding robots usually use the basic design of articulated industrial robots, which usually have six degrees of freedom: waist rotation, arm rotation, arm rotation, wrist rotation, wrist swing and wrist twist. There are two drive modes: hydraulic drive and electric drive. Among them, the electric drive has the advantages of easy maintenance, low energy consumption, fast speed, high precision, good safety and so on, so it has been widely used. The spot welding robot performs the spot welding operation according to the actions, sequences and parameters specified in the teaching process. The process is fully automated and has an interface to communicate with external devices. This interface can be used to accept superior master control and management computers. Control commands work.



    The most widely used field of spot welding robots should belong to the body assembly workshop. (See picture on the right)

    Spot welding robot processing body shell (Source: KUKA)

    Technical characteristics


    (1) Strong technical comprehensive ability. Industrial robots and automation technology integrate and integrate multiple disciplines and involve multiple technical fields, including industrial robot control technology, robot dynamics and simulation, finite element analysis of robot structure, laser processing technology modular programming, intelligent measurement, modeling and Advanced manufacturing technologies, such as processing integration, factory automation and fine logistics are very comprehensive in technology.

    (2) Wide application fields Industrial robots and automation equipment are the key equipment in the production process, which can be used for manufacturing, installation, testing, logistics and other production links, and should be widely used for vehicles, auto parts, and construction machinery. , Rail transit low-voltage electrical appliances, electricity, integrated circuit equipment, military industry, tobacco, finance, medicine, metallurgy, printing and publishing and many other industries have a wide range of applications.

    (3) Advanced technology robot integrates advanced manufacturing technology, such as precision, flexibility, intelligence and software application development. Through the detection, control, optimization, scheduling, management and decision-making of the process, increase production, improve quality and reduce costs. Cost, reducing resource consumption and environmental pollution are the highest manifestations of industrial automation.

    (4) Technical upgrade Industrial robots and automation equipment possess technical characteristics such as finishing, finishing and flexible production. They are a new generation of production tools that can expand people's bodies and intelligence behind power machines and computers. An important means of digitization, automation, networking and intelligence. [1]

    Related Information


    Operation steps of spot welding robot

    1. Make sure the water and electricity are intact and release the alarms of the safety gate and light grid.

    2. When the robot is in the manual state, move the robot cursor to the alarm bar, and then press All to confirm that the welding function is enabled (the blue button in the lower left corner of the teaching box screen is not inside the cross). State).

    3. Select the input / output interface on the robot teaching box, check whether the working signal and work completion signal of the robot are reset, if not reset, please reset; then turn the state selection switch on the robot teaching box To the automatic position. The program pointer on the teach pendant will point to the CELL main program. (If the program pointer on the teaching box does not point to the CELL main program, you need to turn the status selection switch on the robot teaching box to the manual file, and then select it in the Cell program in the R1 folder (press Enter to select)), Then switch the state selection switch on the robot teaching box to automatic mode}, and the robot will switch to the automatic operation state.

    4. Press the alarm reset button on the main console, and then set the manual / maintenance / automatic selection switch to the automatic position.

    5. Confirm whether the program pointer on the teaching box points to the CELL main program.

    6. Turn on the servo power: simultaneously press the servo power button on the operation box to turn on the servo power of the positioner, the corresponding green servo power light is on, and make sure that the red light of the alarm is reset and turned off. If not, please press this reset button several times. Then press the start button (2s) and the corresponding indicator lights up, the workstation will enter the automatic operation state.

    Simple problem handling

    1. If the robot stops for any reason, please manually press the robot and the operation frame at the same time, then press the alarm reset on the operation frame once or twice, then move the robot cursor to the alarm bar, and then press all to confirm the reset alarm, Then click the Teach Pendant automatically and repeat step 6 above.

    2. If the electrode head is dropped, after other robots complete the work, switch the teaching box and operating table to manual T1 mode. If the installation is convenient, press the button and restart the robot. Reset the alarm, move the robot cursor to the alarm bar, then press all to confirm, reset the alarm, then set the teaching box to automatic, and then repeat the above step 6); if the installation is not convenient, you need to move the robot to " "Position" (do not hit anything), after replacement, move the robot to the position before the "stop" position (move the robot to a position close to the position), then select the point to the point, and press and hold to check, Until the robot automatically stops and ensures that it will not collide during this process, just restart it.

    development trend


    The first large-scale use of spot welding robots will appear in developed regions. As the industrial transfer proceeds, the manufacturing industry in developed regions needs to be upgraded. Based on the reality of increasing worker costs, the application of spot welding robots has become the best choice. In the future, large-scale application of spot welding robots in China will be concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing and other places, and its spot welding robots will account for more than half of the country. The growth of the spot welding robot market and its huge market potential have attracted the attention of world-renowned robot manufacturers. At present, spot welding robots imported from China are mainly from Japan, but as companies such as "robots" with their own intellectual property continue to emerge, China will increasingly produce spot welding robots. [2]









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